16-06 - Reducing Unnecessary Wheelchair Use


JUNE 17, 2016

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Guest: Leslie Jarema, LNHA, Director of Health Services, The Forest at Duke CCRC

Approximately two-thirds of nursing home residents are in wheelchairs the majority of the time. Although not talked about much, the negative, iatrogenic consequences of overuse of wheelchairs are many: accelerated loss of muscle mass, pressure sores, significant discomfort and physical strain from operating chairs which increase risks for falling, injuries from falls, depression and pneumonia. Older people's health, mobility and self-image can suffer from too much time in wheelchairs. They are treated as less able, even spoken to differently, promoting a cycle of helplessness. The Forest at Duke is part of a movement that gives priority to the well-being of residents and their caregivers - above the functions of the nursing home or convenience of the staff.

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